Not quite a year and a half ago, my mission was to make Christmas gifts for the whole family. This in- keeping with my anti- commercialisation stance I have taken over the years -season grows more unrecognisable as the years go on when compared against the Christmas I had as a child.
I must admit that my baking experience has really taken from off from here! Earlier in the year, I replaced wheat flour for spelt flour, and although it is not entirely gluten free it has great nutritional benefits for our overall health. I began experimenting with spelt flour because I was looking to swap wheat flour for healthy alternatives , and fell in love with its nutty an wholesome texture of this ‘ancient grain’. Fast forward to , today and I can say my baking journey has taken me to higher heights, as I have since added almond flour to this list of alternatives to wheat flour.
Almond flour is gluten-free, and research out of the U.K. shows that eating almonds significantly increases the level of antioxidants in the bloodstream, improves blood flow and reduces blood pressure./
So I am really so excited to share a really simple almond cookie recipe that I have adapted several times to my taste and helpful feedback from friends, thanks to //
I have used maple syrup instead of honey, added pureed dates, and added banana, chia seeds, linseed, powdered beetroot and cacao. Raw cacao benefits stand out when they compare to the processed and popular derivative, cocoa. these swaps ensure my guilt-free treats are power-packed with nutrients to ensure my body has the right nutrients and minerals.
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