“ Without dreams and goals there is no living, only merely existing, and that is not why we are here.”
Mark Twain
in·ten·tion·al·ly | \ in-ˈtench-nə-lē , -ˈten(t)-shə-nᵊl-ē \
Definition of intentionally
: in an intentional manner: with awareness of what one is doing: PURPOSEFULLY
My purpose is to share my unique gifts and expertise to the service of others that they also may be empowered.
For four decades I existed on minimal sleep -of three to four hours max. I thought it was normal. My mother told me that as a baby I never slept for more than six hours, so I continued this unhealthy habit until six years ago when I had to undergo major surgery and was forced to into bed rest for six weeks.
It was during this period that I had to confront my sleepless nights and began to remedy the decades of lost sleep. I started researching natural remedies, tinctures aromatherapy and techniques to alleviate my chronic insomnia.
This process of unlearning and relearning has brought me into the unique position of using the knowledge I have gathered over the years; to be of service to others who also are going through what I have been able to overcome.
Without adequate sleep, one cannot reach their full potential, in fact
Sleep promotes healing, restores energy, interacts with the immune system and impacts both brain function and behaviour…the mental and physical impairments associated with a single night of poor sleep can outweigh those caused by an equivalent lack of exercise or food